Taste Cafe
Lake front Taupo
Taste cafe, on the lake front, is a spacious cafe open 7 days for breakfast and lunch.
Taste have a wide selection of cafe style food to enjoy with a coffee, beer or glass of wine.
With plenty of room for pushchairs and a small children's area, taste is a firm favourite with young families.
Free Wi Fi also makes taste a popular place for checking your e-mails or finding a private corner to hold a business meeting.
We are proud to use only free range eggs, bacon, chicken and ham.
- Fair Trade & Organic coffee - beans or ground
- Deli products
- Coffee machines and equipment for sale
- 365 cups - download the application to your phone & you'll never have to queue for your coffee
- In business on the lake front since 1999.
For an example of our menu please pop over to our menu page.

Stunning unimpeded view of the majestic Lake Taupo.

Excellent selection of Dried foods and Condiments from around the globe.

Taste Cafe has recently introduced 365cups this enables the customer to text coffee orders through...to great success!

Taste Cafe carries organic coffee and a selection of coffee machines.

Drop the kids off at school, come in for a coffee and enjoy our up to date range of magazines.

Perfect for travellers, a small library and book exchange.